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As this is w work in proress, if there are any additions that you could suggest, please do not hessitate to contact.
This page takes in sets of test results and can then submit them to a range of health/bioage calculators
Make an account to add custom tests or personalised biomarker information.
Please email the contact page for any suggestions, this website is trying to be helpful to a small amount of users so your voice will be heard.
Click on this to get a list of all values
Morgan Levine Phenoage
principal component-based clinical aging clock
Biological age estimation using circulating blood biomarkers


The information you type into this page is stored in your browser on your device. It does not go to our server. When we enable storing data on accounts information will be stored on our server where necessary, but the basic system will not transfer data from your device. However, if you use our system to submit data to another server (which is requred for some algorithms) then you need an account and also to submit data via our server (and be logged in for that purpose). Our server may notsave it in a structured manner, but it may be logged for debugging purposes.

Do you want an account? - this is necessary for submitting to other websites This works for some algorithms without creating an account, but if you want to store data for more than one page (other testing dates or supplement sets) then you need an account. The account system with storage and tracking has not yet been written, however (although you can create an account) Click Here